Source code for lightsim2grid.rewards.n1ContingencyReward

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# This file is part of LightSim2grid, LightSim2grid implements a c++ backend targeting the Grid2Op platform.

import time
import numpy as np

import grid2op
from grid2op.Reward import BaseReward
from grid2op.Action._backendAction import _BackendAction

from lightsim2grid import LightSimBackend, ContingencyAnalysis
from lightsim2grid.compilation_options import klu_solver_available
from lightsim2grid.solver import SolverType

[docs]class N1ContingencyReward(BaseReward): """ This class implements a reward that leverage the :class:`lightsim2grid.ContingencyAnalysis` to compute the number of unsafe contingency at any given time. Examples -------- This can be used as: .. code-block:: python import grid2op from lightsim2grid.rewards import N1ContingencyReward l_ids = [0, 1, 7] env = grid2op.make("l2rpn_case14_sandbox", reward_class=N1ContingencyReward(l_ids=l_ids) ) obs = env.reset() obs, reward, *_ = env.step(env.action_space()) print(f"reward: {reward:.3f}") """ def __init__(self, l_ids=None, threshold_margin=1., dc=False, normalize=False, logger=None, tol=1e-8, nb_iter=10): BaseReward.__init__(self, logger=logger) self._backend : LightSimBackend = None self._backend_action = None self._l_ids = None self._dc : bool = dc self._normalize : bool = normalize if l_ids is not None: self._l_ids = [int(el) for el in l_ids] self._threshold_margin :float = float(threshold_margin) if klu_solver_available: if self._dc: self._solver_type = SolverType.KLUDC else: self._solver_type = SolverType.KLU else: if self._dc: self._solver_type = SolverType.DC else: self._solver_type = SolverType.SparseLU self._backend_ls = False self._tol = tol self._nb_iter = nb_iter self._timer_call = 0. self._timer_pre_proc = 0. self._timer_compute = 0. self._timer_post_proc = 0.
[docs] def initialize(self, env: "grid2op.Environment.Environment"): from grid2op.Environment import BaseEnv from grid2op.Backend import PandaPowerBackend # lazy import because grid2op -> pandapower-> lightsim2grid -> grid2op if not isinstance(env, BaseEnv): raise RuntimeError("You can only initialize this reward with a " "proper grid2op environment (`BaseEnv`)") if not isinstance(env.backend, (PandaPowerBackend, LightSimBackend)): raise RuntimeError("Impossible to use the `N1ContingencyReward` with " "a environment with a backend that is not " "``PandaPowerBackend` nor `LightSimBackend`." ) if isinstance(env.backend, LightSimBackend): self._backend : LightSimBackend = env.backend.copy() self._backend_ls :bool = True elif isinstance(env.backend, PandaPowerBackend): self._backend = LightSimBackend.init_grid(type(env.backend))() self._backend.init_from_loaded_pandapower(env.backend) self._backend.is_loaded = True else: raise NotImplementedError() self._backend.set_solver_type(self._solver_type) conv, exc_ = self._backend.runpf() if not conv: raise RuntimeError(f"The reward N1ContingencyReward diverge with error {exc_}") bk_act_cls = _BackendAction.init_grid(type(env.backend)) self._backend_action = bk_act_cls() if self._l_ids is None: self._l_ids = list(range(type(env).n_line)) if len(self._l_ids) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Impossible to use the N1ContingencyReward " "without any contingencies !") self.reward_min = 0. self.reward_max = len(self._l_ids) if not self._normalize else 1.
# self._contingecy_analyzer = ContingencyAnalysis(self._backend) # self._contingecy_analyzer.add_multiple_contingencies(self._l_ids) def __call__(self, action, env, has_error, is_done, is_illegal, is_ambiguous): if is_done: return self.reward_min beg = time.perf_counter() # retrieve the state of the grid self._backend_action.reset() act = env.backend.get_action_to_set() th_lim_a = env.get_thermal_limit() th_lim_a[th_lim_a <= 1] = 1 # assign 1 for the thermal limit # apply it to the backend self._backend_action += act self._backend.apply_action(self._backend_action) conv, exc_ = self._backend.runpf() if not conv: self.logger.warn("Cannot set the backend of the `N1ContingencyReward` => divergence") return self.reward_min # synch the contingency analyzer # self._contingecy_analyzer.update_grid(self._backend_action) contingecy_analyzer = ContingencyAnalysis(self._backend) contingecy_analyzer.add_multiple_contingencies(*self._l_ids) now_ = time.perf_counter() self._timer_pre_proc += now_ - beg tmp = contingecy_analyzer.get_flows()"{} converging contingencies") now_2 = time.perf_counter() self._timer_compute += now_2 - now_ if self._dc: # In DC is study p, but take into account q in the limits tmp_res = np.abs(tmp[0]) # this is Por # now transform the limits in A in MW por, qor, vor, aor = env.backend.lines_or_info() p_sq = (1e-3*th_lim_a)**2 * 3. * vor**2 - qor**2 p_sq[p_sq <= 0.] = 0. limits = np.sqrt(p_sq) else: tmp_res = tmp[1] limits = th_lim_a # print("Reward:") # print(tmp_res) # print(self._threshold_margin * limits) res = ((tmp_res > self._threshold_margin * limits) | (~np.isfinite(tmp_res))).any(axis=1) # whether one powerline is above its limit, per cont res |= (np.abs(tmp_res) <= self._tol).all(axis=1) # other type of divergence: all 0. # print(res.nonzero()) res = res.sum() # count total of n-1 unsafe res = len(self._l_ids) - res # reward = things to maximise if self._normalize: res /= len(self._l_ids) now_3 = time.perf_counter() self._timer_post_proc += now_3 - now_2 self._timer_call += time.perf_counter() - beg return res
[docs] def reset(self, env: "grid2op.Environment.BaseEnv") -> None: self._timer_call = 0. self._timer_pre_proc = 0. self._timer_compute = 0. self._timer_post_proc = 0. return super().reset(env)
[docs] def close(self): if self._backend is not None: self._backend.close() del self._backend self._backend = None