Contingency Analysis (doc in progress)

The documentation of this section is in progress. It is rather incomplete for the moment, and only expose the most basic features.

If you are interested in collaborating to improve this section, let us know.


This function might give wrong result for lightsim2grid version 0.5.5 were they were a bug : when some contingencies made the grid non connex, it made all the other contingencies diverge. This bug has been fixed in version 0.6.0 and this is why we do not recommend to use this feature with lightsim2grid version < 0.6.0 !


This class aims to make faster (and easier) the computations of a security analysis (which is the results of some powerflow after the disconnection of one or more powerlines)

This function is much (much) faster than its pure grid2op counterpart. For example, on the case 118, to simulate all n-1 contingencies you can expect a ~20x speed ups compared to using the grid2op obs.simulate(…, time_step=0) while obtaining the exact same results (see section Benchmarks)

It can be used as:

import grid2op
from lightsim2grid import SecurityAnalysis
from lightsim2grid import LightSimBackend
env_name = ...
env = grid2op.make(env_name, backend=LightSimBackend())

security_analysis = SecurityAnalysis(env)
security_analysis.add_multiple_contingencies(...) # or security_analysis.add_single_contingency(...)
res_p, res_a, res_v = security_analysis.get_flows()

# in this results, then
# res_p[row_id] will be the active power flows (origin side), on all powerlines corresponding to the `row_id` contingency.
# res_a[row_id] will be the current flows, on all powerlines corresponding to step "row_id"
# res_v[row_id] will be the complex voltage, on all bus of the grid corresponding to the `row_id` contingency.
# you can retrieve which contingency is id'ed `row_id` with `security_analysis.contingency_order[row_id]`

For now this relies on grid2op, but we could imagine a version of this class that can read to / from other data sources.


A more advanced usage is given in the examples\ file from the lightsim2grid package.

Benchmarks (Contingency Analysis)

Here are some benchmarks made with:

  • system: Linux 5.11.0-40-generic

  • OS: ubuntu 20.04

  • processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz

  • python version: (64 bit)

  • numpy version: 1.18.5

  • pandas version: 1.1.4

  • pandapower version: 2.7.0

  • lightsim2grid version: 0.6.0

  • grid2op version: 1.6.4

Where lightsim2grid has been installed from source with all optimization enabled.

This benchmark is available by running, from the root of the lightsim2grid repository:

cd examples

For this setting the outputs are:

For environment: l2rpn_neurips_2020_track2_small (177 n-1 simulated)
Total time spent in "computer" to solve everything: 18.5ms (9573 pf / s), 0.10 ms / pf)
    - time to compute the coefficients to simulate line disconnection: 0.04ms
    - time to pre process Ybus: 2.50ms
    - time to perform powerflows: 15.84ms (11172 pf / s, 0.09 ms / pf)
In addition, it took 0.83 ms to retrieve the current from the complex voltages (in total 9160.4 pf /s, 0.11 ms / pf)

Comparison with raw grid2op timings
It took grid2op (with lightsim2grid, using obs.simulate): 0.42s to perform the same computation
    This is a 21.6 speed up from SecurityAnalysis over raw grid2op (using obs.simulate and lightsim2grid)
It took grid2op (with pandapower, using obs.simulate): 6.39s to perform the same computation
    This is a 330.9 speed up from SecurityAnalysis over raw grid2op (using obs.simulate and pandapower)
All results match !

In this case then, the SecurityAnalysis module is more than 22 times faster than raw grid2op ( with obs.simulate as a way to compute the outcome of a contingency)

Detailed usage



alias of __ContingencyAnalysis


alias of ContingencyAnalysisCPP


alias of __ContingencyAnalysis Methods:


This method registers as the contingencies that will be computed all the contingencies that disconnects 1 powerline


This function will add multiple contingencies at the same time.


This function allows to add a single contingency specified by either the powerlines names (which should match env.name_line) or by their ID.


Clear the list of contingencies to simulate


permanently close the object


This function returns the current flows (in Amps, A) at the origin / high voltage side


This function returns the active power flows (in MW) at the origin / high voltage side


This function allows to retrieve the complex voltage at each bus of the grid for each contingency.


Retrieve the flows after each contingencies has been simulated.


alias of ContingencyAnalysisCPP Methods:


This allows to add all the "n-1" in the contingency list to simulate.

add_multiple_n1(self, arg0)

This allows to add a multiple "n-1" in the contingency list to simulate (it will add as many contingency as the size of the list) and is equivalent to call multiple times lightsim2grid.securityAnalysis.SecurityAnalysisCPP.add_n1()

add_n1(self, arg0)

This allows to add a single "n-1" in the contingency list to simulate.

add_nk(self, arg0)

This allows to add a single "n-k" in the contingency list to simulate (it will only add at most one contingency)


Time spent in computing the flows (in amps) after the voltages have been computed at each nodes


Return the list of solver available on the current lightsim2grid installation.

change_solver(self, arg0)

This function allows to control which solver is used during the powerflow.


Clear the list of all contingencies.


Clear the list of all contingencies.


Clear the solver and to as if the class never performed any powerflow.

compute(self, arg0, arg1, arg2)

Compute the voltages (at each bus of the grid model) for some time series of injections (productions, loads, storage units, etc.)


Compute the current flows (in amps, at the origin of each powerlines / high voltage size of each transformers.


Compute the current flows (in MW, at the origin of each powerlines / high voltage size of each transformers.


Get the flows (in kA) at the origin side / high voltage side of each transformers / powerlines.


Get the active flows (in MW) at the origin side / high voltage side of each transformers / powerlines.


Return the type of the solver currently used.


Get the complex voltage angles at each bus of the powergrid.




Time spent to modify the Ybus matrix before simulating each contingency.


Allows to inspect the contingency list that will be simulated.


Total number of powerflows solved.


Time spent in pre processing the data (this involves, the checking whether the grid would be still connex after the contingency for example)

remove_multiple_n1(self, arg0)

Remove multiple "n-1" contingency from the contingency list to simulate.

remove_n1(self, arg0)

Remove a single "n-1" contingency from the contingency list to simulate.

remove_nk(self, arg0)

Remove a single "n-k" contingency from the contingency list to simulate.


Clear the list of all contingencies.


Total time spent only in solving the powerflows (excluding pre processing the data, post processing them, initializing everything etc.)


Total time spent in solving the powerflows, pre processing the data, post processing them, initializing everything etc.