Installation from source

At a glance, to install from source you will have to:

Important note

This package relies on the excellent pybind11 package to integrate c++ code into python easily.

So to install lightsim2grid you need pybind11 and its requirement, which include a working compiler: for example (as of writing) gcc (default on ubuntu, version >= 4.8), clang (default on MacOS, version >= 5.0.0) or Microsoft visual studio (Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer).

This readme does not cover the install of such compilers. Please refer to the documentation of pybind11 for more information. Do not hesitate to write github issues if you encounter a problem in installing such compiler (nb on windows you have to install visual studio, on linux of MacOs you might already have a working compiler installed).

1. Retrieve the sources

First, you can download it with git with:

git clone
cd lightsim2grid
# it is recommended to do a python virtual environment
python -m virtualenv venv  # optional
source venv/bin/activate  # optional

# retrieve the code of SparseSuite and Eigen (dependencies, mandatory)
git submodule init
git submodule update

(optional) Include NICSLU linear solver (experimental)

Another linear solver that can be used with lighsim2grid is the “NICSLU” linear solver that might, in some cases, be even faster than the KLU linear solver. This can lead to more speed up if using lighsim2grid.

To use it, you need to:

  1. retrieve the sources (only available as a freeware) from and save it on your machine. Say you clone this github repository in NICSLU_GIT (eg NICSLU_GIT=”/home/user/Documents/nicslu/”). Also note that you need to check that your usage is compliant with their license !

  2. define the “PATH_NICSLU” environment variable before compiling lightsim2grid, on linux you can do export PATH_NICSLU=NICSLU_GIT/nicsluDATE (for example export PATH_NICSLU=/home/user/Documents/nicslu/nicslu202103 if you cloned the repository as the example of step 1) and use the version of nicslu compiled by the author on March 2021 [version distributed at time of writing the readme] )

And this is it. Lightsim will be able to use this linear solver.

Be carefull though, you require a license file in order to use it. As of now, the best way is to copy paste the license file at the same location that the one you execute python from (ie you need to copy paste it each time).

(optional) Include CKTSO linear solver (experimental)

Another linear solver that can be used with lighsim2grid is the “CKTSO” linear solver (a newer version of NICSLU) that might, in some cases, be even faster than the NICSLU linear solver. This can lead to more speed up if using lighsim2grid.

To use it, you need to:

  1. retrieve the sources (only available as a freeware) from and save it on your machine. Say you clone this github repository in $CKTSO_GIT (eg CKTSO_GIT=”/home/user/Documents/cktso/”). Also note that you need to check that your usage is compliant with their license !

  2. define the “PATH_CKTSO” environment variable before compiling lightsim2grid, on linux you can do export PATH_CKTSO=$CKTSO_GIT (for example export PATH_CKTSO=/home/user/Documents/cktso if you cloned the repository as the example of step 1)

And this is it. Lightsim will be able to use this linear solver.

Be carefull though, you require a license file in order to use it. As of now, the best way is to copy paste the license file at the same location as the library used when ligthsim2grid is compiled. It should be on $CKTSO_GIT/ubuntu1804_x64_gcc750 on linux and $CKTSO_GIT/win7_x64 on windows.

(optional) customization of the installation

If you bother to compile from source the package, you might also want to benefit from some extra speed ups.

This can be achieve by specifying the __O3_OPTIM and __COMPILE_MARCHNATIVE environment variables.

The first one will compile the package using the -O3 compiler flag (/O2 on windows) which will tell the compiler to optimize the code for speed even more.

The second one will compile the package using the -march=native flag (on macos and linux)

And example to do such things on a linux based machine is:

export __O3_OPTIM=1

If you want to disable them, you simply need to set their respective value to 0.

2. Installation of the python package

Now you simply need to install the lightsim2grid package this way, like any python package:

# install the dependency
pip install -U pybind11
# compile and install the python package
pip install -U .

And you are done :-)