Use with grid2op

The preferred way to use light2im simulator is with Grid2op. And in this case, you can simply use it this way.

The integration with grid2op is rather easy. You simply need to provide the key-word argument backend=LightSimBackend() when building your environment using the grid2op.make function and you can use it transparently.

NB By default, the fastest resolution method (among KLU and SparseLU linear solver is used). For now it is not easy to change it. If this is of any interest for you, please let us know with a feature request

Regular environments

For standard grid2op environment, you can use it like:

import grid2op
from lightsim2grid.LightSimBackend import LightSimBackend
from grid2op.Agent import RandomAgent

# create an environment
env_name = "rte_case14_realistic"  # for example, other environments might be usable
env = grid2op.make(env_name,
                   backend=LightSimBackend()  # this is the only change you have to make!
# and use this as any grid2op environment, for example

# create an agent
my_agent = RandomAgent(env.action_space)

# proceed as you would any open ai gym loop
nb_episode = 10
for _ in range(nb_episde):
    # you perform in this case 10 different episodes
    obs = env.reset()
    reward = env.reward_range[0]
    done = False
    while not done:
        # here you loop on the time steps: at each step your agent receive an observation
        # takes an action
        # and the environment computes the next observation that will be used at the next step.
        act = agent.act(obs, reward, done)
        obs, reward, done, info = env.step(act)
        # the `LightSimBackend` will be used to carry out the powerflow computation instead
        # of the default grid2op `PandaPowerBackend`

This also works transparently if you use the grid2op Runner or the grid2op MultiEnvironment paradigm. Some working examples are given bellow (do not hesitate to consult the documentation of grid2Op for more information about these features there


For the grid2op Runner using lightsim2grid is also perfectly transparent once the environment is loaded.

import grid2op
from grid2op.Runner import Runner
from grid2op.Agent import RandomAgent
from lightsim2grid.LightSimBackend import LightSimBackend

env_name = "rte_case14_realistic"  # for example, other environments might be usable
env = grid2op.make(env_name,
                   backend=LightSimBackend()  # this is the only change you have to make!

NB_EPISODE = 10  # assess the performance for 10 episodes, for example
NB_CORE = 2  # do it on 2 cores, for example
PATH_SAVE = "agents_log"  # and store the results in the "agents_log" folder
runner = Runner(**env.get_params_for_runner(), agentClass=RandomAgent), nb_process=NB_CORE, path_save=PATH_SAVE)


Finally if you want to use multi processing to get even faster, you can use the grid2op multi processing class transparently too (see their documentation here)

import grid2op
from grid2op.Environment import MultiEnvMultiProcess
from lightsim2grid.LightSimBackend import LightSimBackend
env_name = "rte_case14_realistic"  # for example, other environments might be usable
# create an environment
env0 = grid2op.make(env_name,
# create a second environment, that can be similar, or not
env1 = grid2op.make(env_name,
# it is recommended to filter or create the environment with different parameters, otherwise this class
# is of little interest
envs = [env0, env1]  # list of all environments created
nb_envs = [1, 7]  # number of "copies" of each environment that will be made.
# in this case the first one will be copied only once, and the second one 7 times.
# the total number of environments used in the multi env will be the sum(nb_envs), here 8.

multi_env = MultiEnvMultiProcess(envs=envs, nb_envs=nb_envs)
# and now you can use it like any other grid2op environment (almost)
observations = multi_env.reset()